Lucky Greek is a lottery-style gambling game played every 5 minutes. Players wager by choosing up to 8 numbers ranging from 1 trough 80. Once the game starts, 20 numbers are drawn at random, payout varies depending on how many numbers player has selected.
Lucky Greek draws are synchronized with OPAP Kino.
PICK 1 | PICK 2 | PICK 3 | PICK 4 | PICK 5 | PICK 6 | PICK 7 | PICK 8 |
3,75 | 15 | 65 | 275 | 1.350 | 6.500 | 25.000 | 125.000 |
In every game a certain amount of money from all bets is taken into joint progressive jackpot fund. Each ticket has a four symbol jackpot code printed on it, and to win a jackpot, player must match code on his ticket with a code on his screen.
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